'We are liars We are beautiful and privileged We are cracked and broken A tale of love and romance A tale of tragedy Which are lies? Which is truth? You decide' It seemed like everybody was talking about this book a few weeks ago. The clever thing was they were talking about and raving about this read but actually said very little about what it was actually about. It feels like everybody is committed to keeping the secret so I'm not going to tell you too much about the actual book but wow, for me, it was a whole new reading experience. The plot is amazing and seamless when you look back on it and maybe I'm naive but I never guessed the outcome. I think there was a lot I probably missed in my first reading of this book but one day, I will read it again to try and deconstruct Lockhart’s marvellous prose. She is a fantastic writer and even though, I didn't particularly like any of the characters, her writing just carries you along and you quick...
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