Its my pleasure to announce the details of the Yeovil Reading Room Competition.. A reflective or factual piece; t he entrant must discuss in their piece 'what reading means to them' as an individual; they can include their favourite book choices, talk about a book or an article that has changed their lives in some way, how the college has helped and promoted leisurely reading and their reading skills, or even a discussion on the book club if they are a member. The piece can be in a form of any medium; short story/essay, a poem, a picture storyboard or a video. Once the piece is finished they must submit it to the box at the Learning Centre with an entry form attached (supplied at the Learning Centre). The prizes are; 1 st - A copy of each of the books read in the book club over the year; 10 modern classics in total. 2 nd - £25 Waterstones Voucher. 3 rd - £15 Waterstones Voucher. The closing date is Friday 9 th May 2014...
YC Reading is about sharing stories, fiction and reading together with like-minded folk. Share thoughts, feelings and opinions about the stories you love or loathe. Create original writing, art, and more based on your response to the book. We tweet as @yc_reading