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Yeovil College Fresher's Fayre..Split of the club- A or B?

Thank you to all students that showed an interest and signed up for the Book Club- we had over 30 people join!

With such a high demand, the logical thing to do with the club now is to split it into two groups- the 1st group (Book Club A) will contain the original book club members and any new members of STAFF and MEMBERS OF PUBLIC.

Book Club B will contain all new STUDENTS (and any of their friends if interested).

The club will now have 2 meetings every term, Book Club A will remain at 4pm, and Book Club B will be at lunch time on the same day (the meetings will remain on the dates originally stated and published).

Book Club A will start off with 'The Goldfinch' by Donna Tartt and Book Club B will start off with 'The Cuckoo's Calling'  by Robert Galbraith.

Again- thank you so much for all of you're interest in the club- i am looking forward to getting started and getting to know you all!

Check out some pics taken from the day below...


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