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Showing posts from 2023

Fiction Friday: Update

We are restarting Fiction Friday, our previously popular initiative where each week we will post on the blog a marvellous Q&A featuring various college staff discussing what they love to read and why, along with some wildcard questions.  We love talking about books - it's a great way to start conversations, or discover new reads, not to mention building a rapport with kindred spirits who also love talking about books.  We will be featuring one post per week, with one lucky college staff member talking about their literary life. We've been really busy in the interim - here's some highlights: Currently we are tweeting about our 23 Days of Wellbeing - this was inspired by the BRIT Challenge, and we are selecting 23 books for 23 days that we love and relate to living a happy, healthy, well life.  Our Word of the Week continues to grace each seven days with a new and intriguing word choice that expands vocabulary and showcases our fantastic resource, the Oxford English Dic...