Welcome to our first ever #FictionFriday, where we ask Yeovil College staff to share their thoughts, opinions and just plain random tastes in books. Each staff member selects questions to answer from a finely honed and crafted selection, designed to entertain and educate us about their reading lives. #FictionFriday - Chris Canning Today we're talking to Chris Canning. Chris is our LRC Co-ordinator, and he can often be found helping students with referencing and e-resources in the Quiet Study Area. Chris is a huge science fiction, fantasy and graphic novel fan, and has helped us select great titles for our fiction section, which is still growing steadily like a Hobbit after second breakfast. His Hogwarts House is Ravenclaw. What's the first book you remember reading, or being read? A book called "Tim and the Hidden People." It was a series of books where a boy finds a key that lets him see hidden people. Pirates and dead people an...
YC Reading is about sharing stories, fiction and reading together with like-minded folk. Share thoughts, feelings and opinions about the stories you love or loathe. Create original writing, art, and more based on your response to the book. We tweet as @yc_reading