Recently The Guardian ran an article discussing Prue Leith’s comments on contemporary cookbooks. ( “Cookbooks’ key ingredient now design not recipes, says food writer.” CarolineDavies and Nicola Slawson, Guardian website, Tuesday 18th August2015.) In this article, the authors discuss Leith’s comments regarding modern cookbooks being primarily aesthetically pleasing, rather than designed for practical use and, well, actual cooking. This got me thinking. Which cookery books do I actually use? And which ones do I enjoy? Are the two necessarily different? Currently, cooking shows and competitions such as Masterchef and the Great British Bake Off are highly popular. The resurgence of baking has led to a massive boom in all things cupcake. Food festivals, gourmet fast food and local produce have all become more mainstream affairs rather than specialist pursuits. This would suggest a nation which is growing more passionate about food, and therefore cooking. Cookbooks themselve...
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