I hope you are enjoying our read for this month, Liane Moriarty's novel, 'The Husband's Secret' ! I certainly have and I am expecting to have plenty of time over the summer holiday to indulge in my favourite hobby, Reading, starting with Liane Moriarty's latest novel, 'Big Little Lies'. Our next Book Club meeting to discuss 'The Husband's Secret', is on the 2nd June at 4pm. Where: We will meet at Yeovil College in the Quiet Study Centre Come along to the meeting and collect a copy of the last read on our list for this year: See you at the meeting! Sharon
YC Reading is about sharing stories, fiction and reading together with like-minded folk. Share thoughts, feelings and opinions about the stories you love or loathe. Create original writing, art, and more based on your response to the book. We tweet as @yc_reading