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Showing posts from July, 2014

August Meeting..

The next scheduled Book Club meeting is:   Tuesday 12th August   Yeovil College ARC   4pm   The book up for discussion is 'The Silkworm' by Robert Galbraith.   See you soon   - Carey

'City of Bones' Book Club members reviews...

Margaret I was so sceptical when I found out that this book was a teen fantasy. I really didn't think that I was going to enjoy it yet before I'd even completed City of Bones, I'd purchased the follow up which I look forward to reading this summer. I didn't realise there could be so many twists and turns in a plot and I found it useful that this novel was split in to chapters. It made it easy to read a bit each day and I found myself looking forward to my next reading session as there seemed to be a point to each chapter and each one seemed to leave you with questions and a longing to read the next chapter for the answers. I enjoyed meeting all of the different characters and found their portrayal just made the plot more convincing. Though I have to say, I was very disappointed when Hodge's true colours showed through. For some reason, the demon motorbikes really caught my imagination and seemed to add some lightness to the scenes without ridiculing th...

Scheduled meeting dates..

All the Book Club scheduled meeting dates are listed below:   Tuesday 8th July, 4pm, Yeovil College, ARC ('City of Bones' to be discussed)    Tuesday 12th August, 4pm, Yeovil College, ARC ('The Silkworm' to be discussed)   Tuesday 30th September (Date, location and Book tbc)   Tuesday 11th November (Date, location and Book tbc)   Tuesday 6th January 2015 (Date, location and Book tbc)   Tuesday 10th February 2015 (Date, location and Book tbc)   Tuesday 7th April 2015 (Date, location and Book tbc)   Tuesday 2nd June 2015 (Date, location and Book tbc)

'What reading means to me?' Samantha Vickery's 2nd Prize winning competition entry..

What reading means to me? “My world is one interwoven web of words, stringing limb to limb, bone to sinew, thoughts and images all together”(Tahereh Mafi, Shatter me) Reading means everything to me, if it wasn’t for reading, I certainly would not be the person I am today. I’ve been to places I could never go myself. I’ve gone forward in time; I’ve gone backwards. I’ve met people I would have never met in reality; the good, the bad, the famous, the monotonous and the ordinary. I’ve travelled the world and the universe and all this has happened to create the person I am today. As a child, my first memories of reading include Topsy and Tim and Cinderella but, it was Matilda that cemented my love of reading. Matilda was a little girl who defied and defeated the bad in her world by being good and with her knowledge that all reading she had done, had given her a ‘ view of life they had never seen’. The illustration on the front of Matilda uncannily belongs in my world. Mati...