Norwegian Wood Wendy: I started off enjoying the book, the writing style was easy to read and descriptive, however I found (the style) then changed and it didn’t translate well. I found the book to be very destructive- in the sense of the characters and relationships, which gave me an overwhelming feel that the author’s personal views of women (and not liking them) was a strong message he wanted to portray; whether deliberately or not. The sexual nature of the book was far too descriptive; the in-depth details were unnecessary and excessive; a suggestion of sex would have worked just as well. The book gave me a great visual sense of Japan; I could imagine the characters and places well and the author writes well, however the book does not inspire me to read any of his other novels and it is not recommendable. David: I really enjoyed Norwegian Wood; I found it to be uplifting and particularly enjoyed the Asian influences and cultural references. I can imagine t...
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