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Showing posts from September, 2013
If you were going to write a book, what genre would you write?  I would like to think I would go for a romance but i would quite like a go at fantasy or sci-fi..unfortunately my writing skills aren't quite up to par with Rowling's so I think i'll stick to reading!  - Carey  
"I invent nothing. I rediscover."  - August Rodin I think this applies to books in that there are only so many plots in the world. However authors twist the plot and add new characters and new settings, it is extremely rare to read a book with a completely new and original plot. Regardless, most of those stories are still amazing anyways.  Do you have a favourite plot-type? (such as coming-of-age or hero's journey, for example?)  - Carey  
Do you ever have books that you are reading that you don't want to let other people know you are reading? And contrarily are there ever books you especially want people to notice that you're reading? I know we all love to read everything we do, but there are times that we just have a book in front of us that people might notice. Which books make you sit up a little taller, and which books makes you hide the cover of? - Carey